April 11, 2014

J is for Juice: Orange Juice

One of my favorite things about Guatemala are all the little stands of food off to the sides of the road.  They are so good!  Every morning when your walking down the street you will find stands where they are selling freshly squeezed orange juice. The smell of it just gets you every time you walk by.  You can't help, but want to stop. They put it in a little baggie and give you a straw to drink with.  Morning time is my favorite time to walk around Panajachel, because all the yummy breakfast food you will find. :)



  1. I like your website--fascinating--and your choice for J (I love orange juice and that sounds so cool--getting it along the roadside) and for I, ...

  2. And here I was thinking that only in Jamaica do we sell juices on the side of the road in bags. Not orange juice though.

    J.L. Campbell writes at The Character Depot and the Jamaican Kid Lit Blog.

  3. Juice in a bag always makes me feel like I am home. Lovely.
