April 27, 2015

W is for Whirlwinds

I've had a lot of moments in my life where I have wondered why? Why did this have to happen to me? Why now? Could it have been prevented?
It's been almost a month since I broke my foot and it has been a great challenge for me.  I've had to learn how do things so differently than from the way I am use to doing things.  It was a rough few weeks, especially with having the big question on my mind... why? 
Elder Neil L. Andersen said:
“Not all the whirlwinds in life are of your own making. Some come because of the wrong choices of others, and some come just because this is mortality. … Challenges will come to you, but as you trust in God, they will strengthen your faith.”

It has brought me much comfort to hear these words from Elder Andersen. Challenges will come, because this is mortality. We are here to learn and grow and to be able to grow we need the whirlwinds of life.

I'm getting this broken foot thing figured out. It's still hard, but I know that as I trust God that he will help me and guide me through it all. I now that these challenges I am facing will not only help me to learn many great lessons, but also will strengthen my faith. 

Whatever whirlwinds are going on in your life right now, remember to trust God and the challenges you face will help you to strengthen your faith.

Life is full of ups and downs, but it is so good. :)



  1. I came to your blog today to get an uplift to my spirit, and I was not disappointed! I'll be sorry to see the end of April when you are no longer posting daily.

  2. So lovely your sentiments about a broken foot! I hope you heal quickly! A friend of mine is going through the same thing, broken foot! Good luck and come on, you can hit the finish line with us on the A to Z Challenge! Lisa, co-host AtoZ 2015, @ http://www.lisabuiecollard.com

    1. Lisa, Thank you. I am getting better everyday. Thanks for stopping by. :)

  3. Jessica, you are amazing! I am loving reading your blog. Thanks for this post especially. Today has been 'one of those days' where everything has been kind of upside down. Thank you for your words that helped to turn things right side up!! (the email address associated with my google account is one I don't check very often)

    1. I am incredibly NOT computer savvy. My google account is very vague as to who I am. . . It's me---Renee Schwendiman. :) And I have no idea how to make it less vague, hence the reply to my own response to your amazing blog post!
