April 7, 2015

G is for Good Mom's

"Good Moms have
Sticky Floors,
Messy Kitchens,
Laundry Piles,
Dirty Ovens,
and Happy Kids."
All too often as Mom's we put ourselves down and think that we are the worst Mom ever. We compare ourselves with other Mom's who seem to have it all together and feel like we aren't doing good enough (at least that's how I have felt at times).
When my child eats crackers for most of the day and the house is a mess with toys all over the place, it's hard to think that I am doing a good job, but I have to take a step back and see what I really did that day. As I do that, I find that I am a good Mom, I didn't make my children starve, I played with them, I laughed with them, I let them make a mess I gave them hugs when they got hurt  and I listened to them.
As a Mom, I am trying my very best to be the best Mom I can be. I may not be perfect, but I am the perfect Mom for my kids. They were sent to me for a reason and no one can replace me as their Mom. I love my kids so much. I love being their Mom.
Remember you are a good Mom! :) 


  1. G is for Gorgeous Post! As a fellow "perfect for my kids" mom, I salute you. :)

  2. Stopping by from the a-z challenge. Love the post. I guess i am one of the good moms. Hope you have a good evening.
