Sometimes, I try to plan things out WAY too far in advance for me to even know for sure if it will happen the way that I plan. I can get so caught up in looking to the future that I can forget to look at what is happening in the present.
"Life by the yard is hard, but by the inch it's a cinch."
This a lesson that I have learned repeatedly, but I have really come to recognize what this phrase means over that past few years.
I have come to know that living life "by the inch," requires faith and trust in our Heavenly Father. We can't always know the future, but the Lord does. He knows our thoughts and desires and will help us through it all as we come to him.
Things always work out. It's much less stressful to look at life "by the inch" than by the yard. I've found so much peace as I rely on my Father in Heaven through my daily life and I am so grateful, that I have learned a little better how to live life "by the inch" so that "it's a cinch!" ;)