December 2, 2016

My Parents

I grew up in a home where the gospel was at the center, with parents whose love for their Savior and family were the number one priority in their lives. My parents have taught me what it means to serve and love others. They have taught me how to recognize what is most important in life and have supported me and loved me. I love my Mom and Dad and I am so grateful for their example to me.

My Dad is a gentle, kind and loving man. He cares so deeply about his children and family and has done everything he can to support and take care of us as we have grown. He has taught me what it means to have a worthy priesthood holder in the home and has always been a source of guidance to me.  I look up to my Dad. He has sacrificed his time to help with countless hours of math homework when all I wanted to do was give up and cry and has taken the time to sit and talk with me about...just life.  He is an incredible man. He is a protector and will do all in his power to keep his family safe. He works hard and is selfless, working to do what is best for his family.

School was not always something that came easy to me, especially when it came to math and testing. But my Dad was always patient with me. He was there reminding me that even when I feel like I am failing, as long as I am giving it my all and doing my very best then my best is good enough.  That is a lesson that my Dad has taught me that has always stuck with me and I strive to do best every single because of him and his example to me. I love my Dad and I am so grateful to have him in my life. The Lord has truly blessed me with a loving father here on earth, who cares and loves me and for that I will always be grateful.

My Mom is an incredible woman, who is selfless and sacrifices so much to take care of her children and her family. She is an example of what it means to serve. She will do all in her power to help those in need. She will be there for you when you are having a hard day and give you a hug, she will bring you a meal the moment she hears you are struggling with something and will take you to the grocery store if your car is in the shop.  My Mom hardly thinks of herself. More often than not she is thinking of what she can do to help the person next to her.

My Mom is kind and has a good heart! She is loving and cares deeply about others. No one is perfect, but my Mom is the perfect Mom for me.  In learning how to be a Mom myself, she has taught me that it is okay to have hard days where you just can't handle life and need a break. It's okay to have dirty dishes and toys all over the floor, if the kids are happy that's what's most important.  My Mom has taught me how to pray and study the scriptures. She has shown me through her example, of what it means to be a disciple of Jesus Christ. She is a teacher and has taught me the importance of learning and growing. She has shared her love of the temple with me, which impacted me and my life. My Mom works hard to take care of those around her and to show them how much she loves them.

Every week there would be one or two days where I would come home from school and she would be making chocolate chip cookies.  It seems like a simple, but the smell of homemade chocolate chip cookies and the warmth I felt coming home after a hard day at school, made our home feel like a safe place and place of love.  My Mom made sure that our home was a place that we could come to find peace from the struggles of the world.  It still is.  I am grateful for my Mom and for all of her love, devotion and service.  She is a wonderful example to me of our Savior. I love my Mom and look up to her. I am so grateful for her and for all that she has done and continues to do for me.

I have learned so many lessons from my Mom and Dad. These things are just a few and I am so grateful for them and the love they have shared with me and continue to share with me each day. They have been a huge blessing in my life and have taught me so much! I am so grateful for these beautiful parents of mine.  They may not be perfect, but they are the perfect parents for me!

I love you Mom and Dad!

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